Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My girls

The incision looks great although this photo is a bit too blurry to get a good look.

We still are amazed at how DIFFERENT she looks.  Unless she smiles, it is hard to see "old" Evie.  She is as happy as ever and we just can't stop kissing her new forehead.
Ella loves her sister sooo much.  Evelyn isn't sure what to make of this  "Gig Gug" as Ella calls it (Big Hug)

Our little helper...she got so wet, she almost didn't need her bath


  1. Wow, Julie! I can't believe how good Evie incision looks! It's just amazing....and I LOVE the elephant bath towel.

  2. Julie they are too adorable! Glad to hear that Evie is doing so well!
